Finally it's done. I was planning to do this last weekend. Lately it's always a "better late than never" for me when it comes to planning and doing artworks just like in Christmas and New Year haha. It took a song to inspire me more to go on and finish this artwork :P and yeah the song is "We are the World" the 2010 version that was dedicated to Haiiti: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Glny4jSciVI
It's a remake of the 80's song headed by Michael Jackson and an all star cast of singers. Inspiring in a way that these stars lent their talent to inspire people to help. Sure, prayer is one best way to help but we can do more, not just donating but offering our talents :D so here I am offering my *koff koff* talents and yes for those who do not know yet I'm an artist and I mostly do artworks that are work related so here's my share for the people of japan ^_^
Anyway it's my way of showing support to japan, as we all know their country was hit by an earthquake (followed by a tsunami) last march 11, 2011. News reports say it was 8.9 some say it was 9.0, go figure XP
For a country that has given me a lot of inspiration not just because of anime but from how they rise from the ashes of WWII (hiroshima bombing) and not to mention for a country who experiences quake like it's already part of everyday life they still manage to become one of the richest countries in the world.
In reality not even the most advance technology and powerful weapon can match against the wrath of nature, but despite that death toll rising, it was really surprising to see that compare to other major disasters in other countries it was still low, goes to show how prepared they really are.
Some people compare this incident to 2012 (both the movie and the mayan prophecy), for me..who knows. Scientists warned us about the negative effects of Global Warming (increase in Earthquakes are also included), and they have been warning us for years, but people still ignored it especially big companies. Now everyone is paying for it. Sadly japan is one of the countries who encourage people to conserve energy and try to find ways to fight global warming, but they were the ones who got hit by it's negative effects.
Others may say it was karma because of pearl harbor and how they hunt whales but whatever the real reason behind it (something we will probably never know), maybe we should all learn from it. It may be a sign saying we should all make a change, instead of crying out loud about repenting sins (yeah we should all repent but we can do it in a way by not making it sound scary right) or re-posting bull$h!t stuffs and saying "if you do not re-post it means you don't care, etc..".
Take a look at them (japanese people) now. Try reading some articles aside from posts about the devastation and the nuclear crisis. You can see despite the desperation and crisis the people (well majority just to be safe :P) are still waiting (and surviving) in an orderly manner and not demanding too much nor thinking of the aid and help as an obligation nor mandatory. I read this article and I believe it's true: http://edition.cnn.com/2011/OPINION/03/14/tanimoto.trust.japan.quake/index.html?hpt=C2
Sadly I won't expect the same for our country, but I'm hoping and praying they can learn from all this. Not just the government but the people as well.
Things to think about for close minded people...
-Yes I still believe nothing can compare to nature's power. If humans have nuclear weapons and guns that cannot be beaten bu nature, Nature too has her own set of weapons which cannot be beaten by humans.
-Just because it's nuclear it doesn't mean it can blow like a bomb.
-China and Japan are countries not always in good relationship but China is sending aid to their country. Maybe it's time for countries to unite instead of always fighting for power, must we all wait for more calamities to happen.
That's it for now, will try to add more in a while or maybe some other time XP and yeah all the other stuffs I wanted to include in this entry somehow slipped in my mind haha so wait for more soon :D
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